Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 7! our last day at the eco lodge :(

Today we got to sleep in until 6:45; that’s a HUGE DEAL. Breakfast was delicious, as usual, but since yesterday it’s been raining… a lot. We trekked down to the school, and much to our dismay, the rain had messed up the paint on our benches and hopscotch. However, being the St. Mary’s girls that we are, we immediately took action. We finished the details on the pillars and tabletops. It looks FABULOUS. During all the kids’ breaks, they came out and jumped off the pillars and played on the monkey bars. It was awesome to see how much they appreciate our hard work. We had lunch at the school and had the opportunity to interact with some more of the kids. I took part in an intense soccer game and was showed up by the kids. When I say that they are ridiculously good at soccer, I’m not over exaggerating in the least. Also, Chandler Roberts and I had a conversation with some 6th grade girls even though neither of us speaks Spanish. Apparently the worldwide heartthrob Justin Bieber knows no language barriers. Later in the afternoon, the kids put on a show for us. The kindergarteners sang for us, others danced, and there was even a skit. The whole thing was absolutely adorable. Saying goodbye was not fun, even though we only knew the kids for a few days. I cannot wait to see the finished playground; I know the group coming in after us will do an amazing job. Now we are enjoying our siesta (rest time) where we have to write “graduation speeches” about our trip. Nobody sees these except ourselves so it’s an opportunity to really reflect on how much this trip has meant to each and every one of us.  
The finished pillars!
 Our intense soccer game!
 After Pauline missed an intense shot
Lesley and Carlos!
Our hands after handprinting the tunnel! 


lisa said...

The picture of all of you on the "finished pillars" needs to go in the yearbook! I also love the one with your green hands. Please make sure whoever took those sends them out so everyone can get a prints! Lisa Roberts

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