We ventured out of our eco lodge into the neighboring community with Ryan, our biologist, and came to the home of Sra Digna. She only spoke Spanish, but she gave us an insight on the economic life in Costa Rica. This was also a fabulous time for us to practice our Spanish speaking skills! Muy Bien!
¿Qué es su horario normal?
What is your daily work schedule?
“Cada día, limpio la casa y ordeño las vacas.”
“Every day, I clean the house and milk the cows”
¿Qué cosas necesita más?
What do you need most?
“Necesito un trabajo con buen salario.”
“I need a job that actually pays”
¿Qué cosas piensa son aspectos positivos y negativos de la economia?
What are the positive and negative aspects of the economy?
“El peor aspecto es la falta de trabajo. Además, todas las cosas son más y más caros. Por consiguiente, no puedo pagar la educación de mis hijos.
“The worst aspect is the lack of jobs. Also, everything is getting more and more expensive. Consequently, I cannot pay for my children’s education.”
¿Qué hace su esposo?
What does your husband do?
“Mi esposo trabaja en la granja pero el salario no es bastante para la educación de los niños.”
“My husband works on the farm but the salary is not enough for my children’s education.”
Excellent!! Sra. Walker and Sra. Smalley will be very pleased!! The pictures are terrific and the stories are interesting...thanks for posting! ~ janet
Glad you all arrived safely.
Great pictures, videos, and Spanish.
I look forward to your blogged adventures.
Practicing my Spanish skills and feeling pretty good. Muy Bien! I am enjoying the stories and pictures and feel like I am sharing the experience with my daughter Katherine...love you.
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